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Top 7 Indicators You May Have a Vertigo Problem

As common as vertigo is, many people still don’t know how to describe it or the symptoms that may accompany it. We’re going to look at a list of signs you may be dealing with vertigo. This will help you to better understand both what it is as well as the other vestibular symptoms that may exist side by side with vertigo. Then we will consider a form of care that is bringing hope to many, even those who deal with persistent vertigo issues.

#1 A Spinning Sensation
Vertigo is a false sensation of movement. Many people experience it as the feeling that the room is spinning. Remember when you were a kid and would play pin the tail on the donkey? Someone would spin you to make it tougher go in the right direction while blindfolded. You were standing still and couldn’t see, but it still felt like everything was moving in a circle. That is how vertigo feels. You may even continue to feel like you are spinning even if you lay down and close your eyes.

#2 A Sudden Fall
Severe and sudden vertigo attacks can lead to falls. Sometimes a person may not even realize that vertigo caused the fall until he or she is on the ground and everything is continuing to spin. This accounts for many of the falls that the elderly experience. One minute an elderly woman is bending over to pick up something she dropped. The next she is on the ground with a broken hip. Why? Because bending forward can cause the sudden onset of a bout of vertigo and lead to a fall.

#3 Nausea
Just like people get nauseated while on a rocking boat or while looking down when a car suddenly slows down or turns, a person who is experiencing vertigo can get nausea. Your body feels like it is moving, or you see things spinning but no actually motion is taking place. The disconnect between what the body feels and sees causes a person to feel sick to his or her stomach. If vertigo is severe, it can even lead to vomiting.

#4 Nystagmus
This is often the way a doctor can diagnose vertigo. The eyes try to correct for the difference between what is being seen and felt. Thus, repetitive and involuntary eye jerks may occur. This is called nystagmus. This can increase the amount of dizziness or nausea that a person feels during a vertigo attack. Since nystagmus only occurs during an episode, a person will have to have an attack induced in order for a doctor to use this method to confirm a diagnosis.

#5 Tinnitus
Tinnitus is a ringing, buzzing, or rushing sound in the ear. It is a common symptom that accompanies vertigo although you can have one without the other. The combination of vertigo and tinnitus along with a couple of other symptoms may signal a vestibular disease such as Meniere’s. Thus, it is important to list all of your symptoms for your doctor even if you are only seeking care for the vertigo.

#6 Hearing Loss
This is another symptom of Meniere’s disease. When coupled with vertigo and tinnitus, hearing loss (especially if it is just in one ear) can be a solid indicator of Meniere’s. If you are dealing with both tinnitus and vertigo, you may want to get a hearing exam. In early stages of Meniere’s, hearing loss may fluctuate and only exist during a flare-up. Later on, the hearing loss may persist and become considered permanent.

#7 Headaches
While vertigo doesn’t cause headaches, they often occur together. Here are a few reasons:
•    Migraines can cause vertigo. In fact, 40% of migraine patients have vestibular symptoms.
•    Headaches and vertigo both often begin following head or neck injuries. This is because both can be caused by a misalignment of the neck.
•    Headaches and vertigo are both symptoms of post-concussion syndrome.

Finding Natural Relief from Vertigo and Accompanying Symptoms
There are very few medications or procedures that are effective for helping vertigo. A doctor may recommend a diuretic (water pill) to reduce fluid levels in the body. However, this can require a person always to be near a bathroom, and it may lead to dehydration.

A natural way to reduce fluid that is retained in the body is to eat a low-sodium diet. However, this can also lead to dehydration issues if you don’t drink enough water and if you don’t really need to be on a low-salt diet.

A better way to reduce the risk of vertigo is to maintain proper alignment of the atlas and axis (C1 and C2), the top two bones in the neck. A misalignment in this sensitive area can affect brainstem function, inhibit blood flow to the brain, and may even affect the Eustachian tubes resulting in the ears not draining properly. These are all factors that can result in recurring episodes of vertigo.

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